Starting an RTO?

Navigating the world of vocational education and training can be overwhelming to say the least. 

The vocational education and training sector has experienced major changes over the last decade and will continue to do so.  The Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 are explicit on the requirements for operational and strategic performance when delivering nationally recognised training.  Many organisations struggle with interpretation and application of the requirements and find themselves floating in a myriad of compliance obligations without really understanding the intent.

It is not uncommon for Anntek to receive calls from organisations that have failed to demonstrate compliance with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015, seeking assistance, all too often, when it is nearly too late.  Don’t let this be you.

Years of experience

compliance projects

How Anntek can help you get started


Compliance audits

Set a schedule of internal audits once you achieve registration.  We will do the rest.


Quality management and operational systems development

Consider if you were building a house, if you don’t have foundations to support the house, the house will fall down.  It is the same for an RTO.  Policies, procedures, forms and marketing materials are the foundations of a good RTO.  If you don’t have the foundations in place, your RTO will fall down.


Assessment development

Assessment must ensure that it is meeting the requirements of nationally recognised units of competency.  Whether you choose to have your assessment developed or purchase resources, it is important to ensure that they are complaint and will result in work ready workers, workers that are a testament to the quality of the training provided by your RTO.

Anntek has a team of writers that can assist in the development of assessment to suit your operational needs.


Training and assessment strategy writing and preparation

Training and assessment strategies are intrinsic to the way in which you deliver training.  They are the road map to your students achieving the qualification outcome they are looking for.

We will facilitate engagement with industry, with employers and industry bodies that support you in your industry area.


Course accreditation

Can’t find a training package qualification you want to offer as an RTO?  Develop your own course.  Yes, its a lot of work, but you become the superhero for your industry where currently, nothing else exists.

For New RTOs

Establishing and setting up an RTO can be a complicated and sometimes a convoluted process.  The what, when and how, can leave you scratching your head or worst still, submitting your application when you aren’t ready.

For Existing RTOs

When was the last time you critically measured your performance against the regulations or your funding contracts against your agreements with State regulators?  When was the last time you could safely say we are compliant? 

Client Testimonials

“Narelle has been providing general consulting services for MPAQ since May 2018.  In this time, she has a provided advice, guidance and support to ensure that we maintain ongoing compliance with our obligations, not only as a provider of VET but as a peak industry body.  Narelle’s ability to interact with our team at all levels has proven paramount to our operations and integration of systems. We would highly recommend Narelle and the team at Anntek.”

Master Painters Association Queensland

“We are extremely happy with the ongoing service provided by Anntek. Narelle’s knowledge and expertise has ensured our Registered Training organisation (RTO) is 100% compliant and directed in a professional manner. We have utilised Anntek’s services on a number of occasions and will continue to do so. We would highly recommend Anntek for the assistance in any aspect of running an RTO.”

Ascent Training Solutions

“Narelle from Anntek has successfully helped us with trainer professional development sessions, training resource writing, policy & procedure development and integration as well as constructive internal audit work. I would recommend Narelle and Anntek to other RTO’s looking for support in maintaining their regulatory requirements.”

ST Construction Techniques